Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Is It True That The Thigh Gap Reveals The Virginity Of A Woman? Truth Revealed!

There had been a theory that caught the attention of the people especially for women. It revolves around the standard of the women's body as stated by the society. 

However, did you know that there is more to a thigh gap than just a space in the middle of the thighs? Did you know that this could reveal something about the virginity of a woman?

Photo Credit: WikiHow

Based on the photo, it claims that the space between the thighs was created by the structure of the pelvis. The further the thighs are, the tighter the private part of a woman is.

However, based on the research and was made, the thigh gap has nothing to do with the tightness or looseness of the V.

There are certain things that could affect the elasticity of the walls of the private part. It can either be because of having intercourse or even child birth.
Source: XolXol